Cultural Event Feedback in Genk

CDK Team

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Cultural Event Feedback in Genk

What were the objectives of this case study?

We collaborated with the culture team of the city of Genk (Belgium) to evaluate their Gneistan event, the follow-up to the successful Wondergrond event of previous years. 

The Gneistan event took place at C-mine, a culture and heritage hotspot located just outside the centre of Genk. C-mine is an historic mining site that has been repurposed into a creative and cultural area. Its preserved historic buildings and mining vestiges are used as the backdrop of Gneistan. The locations is further augmented with theater, video art, music and animated film to create an immersive experience for young and old.

This project broke the previous record and exceeded more than 300 participations per device per week! Read on, to find out more.

Continues below the video.

How was the deployment carried out?

The Gneistan event ran for 9 days during the Autumn holidays (October 28 – November 5). We deployed Citizen Dialog Kit devices throughout the duration of the event.

Two Citizen Dialog Kit devices were initially installed inside, at the end of the exhibit. Due to space limitation and a change in the exhibit layout, the feedback devices were later moved outside. Thankfully, this is easy to do with our survey devices; no need to look for power outlets or worry about WiFi reception.

Continues below the photos.

What were the insights from the deployment?

In total, we engaged more than 780 participants during the 9 days of the exhibit using two Citizen Dialog Kit devices. Most of these engagements also resulted in completed surveys (70%), with an average number of responses per participant in line with our recommendations (avg. 12/participant).

In total, 7960 persons attended the exhibit, spread across 2097 group purchases. We therefore estimate that Citizen Dialog Kit engaged at least 10% of all visitors, or up to 37% of all groups, as the majority of participants report to be visiting the exhibit in a group or with family. This is considerably more than the typical 0-2% engagement with interactive displays in cities.

Other insights include:

  • Very positive overall assessment. 83% are positive about the exhibit.
  • The majority of visitors discovered the event via social media (46%), half of which via Facebook (53%).
  • A surprising number of visitors came from outside Limburg (40%), many of whom from the province Antwerp (40%).

Continues below the charts.


This case study demonstrates the potential of deploying Citizen Dialog Kit beyond the context of urban spaces, where similar challenges exist to reaching a diversity of people. In addition, our solution enables gathering valuable feedback directly from the experience, in contrast to feedback shared at a later time.

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